Screw it


I think I need to stop going so fast.  Another tough day.  I know it was because of the heat, hills, and fact that I did so many miles Thursday (not all planned,) but still discouraging. So instead of doing the 80 or so miles I was going to do I did 50 and stopped at the Honey Creek State Park on the shore of Lake Rathbun.  As you can see I’m relaxing and taking a break. Actually I’m posing but I relaxed shortly afterwards.  I think I’m trying to finish to quickly, bike more, over do it, and have a tough time that makes me want to finish faster.  It a viciously cycle.  So I’m going to experiment with some 50-70 miles days and see how that goes.

I was once again saved by the kindness of strangers.  After I wrote the above I met Tracey and Gia.  They were in the next campsite over and invited me over for dinner.  I spent the rest of the day with them and their friends Short and Debbie.  I played ladder ball, drank a lot of beer, and had a good time.  Dinner was grilled chicken, baked potatoes, and three different kinds of salad: pea, corn, and taco.  I wasn’t feeling too great the following morning (a LOT of beer,) but Short made it better by cooking up breakfast.  They made me finish what’s was left, and I was happy to oblige.  I didn’t leave the park till around 1, partly because of the company and partly because it looked like rain and I was hoping it would pass by.  Of course it didn’t start till I was on the road for about 5 minutes and continued off and on the rest of the day. Ce la vie.