Its a very satisfying feeling when I get to throw out another map. Hello Indiana, where I have no idea what time zone I’m in. Because of the weather I did end up in the Cold Springs Hotel in Hamilton, IN last night. A nice place, though lacking in wifi. I was pretty close to going the extra 20 miles to the campground because it had internet. The skies were still clear around 6pm, but the alarm on my weather radio convinced me otherwise. So my first real bed in over a week and a chance to do some laundry, dry out my tent, and top off all my electronic devices. Avoiding quarter sized hail was also nice. The route to get here wasn’t as simple as I had hoped. As if to drive home the point I made in my last post most of the road I had planned on taking was closed. Being on a bicycle does have its advantages, but there were still some parts I couldn’t get through.
As I rode into town I saw a Mexican place called Acapulco which looked fairly busy. When I asked Bob, my gruff host, about it he said “its mexican food, but its ok.” Good enough for me. The waiter didn’t believe me at first when I ordered a huge plate of nachos along with the carne asada. (After getting a very large Dos Equis of course.) Many of you know my ability to put away large amounts of food. Well you should see me after I’ve biked 80 miles in 90° heat. The before and after pictures:
As I was finishing dinner and the lightning began it became clear I had made the right choice. Bolts that went clear across the sky. It was awesome, like a fireworks show coming from every direction. My camera isn’t really suited to taking pictures of lightning but I did my best.
That Mex food looks pretty decent. I’ve kept up with the site since day 1 bro. Keep it going!
My opinion might be biased by hunger, but it was pretty tasty.
“I don’t drink often, but when I do I drink Dos Equis”…and, of course “when in Rome they do as he does.” You’re totally the new “Most interesting man ever.” Good on ya, Turkey.
Who took your picture going into Indiana? I sent the first 10 days printed in color to Grandma. You are missing earthquakes and hurricanes in the East! Good timing, Dave!
I did with the help of a tripod and the camera timer. Thanks for sending that, I’ll call once I get to Tom and Jane’s.
You are one of the more interesting men Gibbs. Good beer choice.
The choice was pretty much made for me by the other beer choices. Coors, Miller, etc. Not a vast selection on tap in Hamilton.
You’re still in EST until you make it to Gary, which adopted CST to be in sync with Chicago.
Keep up the fantastic blog, but don’t push yourself too hard, buddy.
Does this mean you have togrow a beard?
I hope not, it’ll take years to get to “most interesting man” status.